Thursday, February 21, 2013

From Suzi

Got this email today from Tom Hopper's wife, Leeda:

"Just saying hello and letting you know how fortunate we all are... I keep hearing about donors that had to be hospitalized.  As I talk to family members at Hopkins and hear their stories, I realize how fortunate we have been.  One of the donors, a daughter, had to be hospitalized twice; her blood pressure was very low and they couldn't bring it up. Couple of days later, after released and working, she had to be taken to the hospital because she passed out. Most donors with side effects have been women.  We are blessed and Dad is doing great!
Would love to see you soon, it's always fun to be with you. "

Thanking God for His healing hand in this... Don't know why He has been so good, except to say that is His nature.. I'm grateful!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

This is Suzi

I've been wanting to sit and write all week.

No words can describe the overwhelming crazy beauty of Brian's bone marrow, in a 2-liter bag.  Before I had a chance to see my husband in recovery, his sister sent a photo of his marrow (from a room 2 floors up, where it was about to be transfused into Tom Hopper) and I shuddered and the tears finally came.

I've been resisting this event since the day we heard Tom could make a full recovery thru a bone marrow transplant.  Brian said, "you know the donor will be me" and I dug in, mind and spirit. And body...arms crossed and full frown.  I know I had fear and anger, but it was hard to pinpoint why, and toward whom.  Fear has deeper issues, to be sure.  "Lord, you wouldnt take him away through this right? Right?" ...and "why Brian? He's already caring for his other dad" and more of the same whining.

One of my favorite phrases in the human language is "..but God"
I was afraid of death...but God brought Brian through, 2 liters short, and better than ever.
I was afraid I'd be angry at Tom Hopper...but God gave me compassion.
I didn't want to be in the cancer ward at Hopkins, being reminded of Jeannie's suffering and death...but God brought a chance to share my heart: a family waiting for their wife/mom to come thru the Whipple...helped me to remember that it WAS awful but, live or die, God was going to heal her.
I worried about being able to care for Brian well after the surgery...but God gave me my lovely sister and brother to help, and to bring joy and laughter to the whole event.
Brian felt beat up by his fathers...but his heavenly Father has been carrying him and whispering to him DAILY His thoughts, HIS plans.
Brian was concerned he'd take weeks to heal....but God has measured recovery out in perfectly palatable dosages.

If you ask Brian Hopper about any of this he shrugs it all off.  No spotlight, please.  So I turn it on His God..because Brian cannot argue with that. Ha!  And I say, despite the craziness of this blood sacrifice, Brian isn't down and he isnt out. He is at the gym even now, even as i write this, swimming and slowly jogging and getting ready for his running year.  God willing, he'll kick all your butts.  (except yours, Steve, you know who you are.)

And more spotlight, on my God of course, but highlighting, softly, the man standing next to Him- Guy Monteleone... Thank you for all this encouragement and support.  I have siblings who are friends. What more could I ask for?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

from Guy Monteleone
I had the honor of assisting Brian and Suzi this weekend in Baltimore. The big day arrived and Brian did awesome. The nurses all reverently handled Brian's "holy" marrow and prayed over it before transplanting it into Tom Hopper. It was very emotional for all involved.

Brian unfortunately but expectedly needed to rest at the hotel. But Suzi, Ria and I just had to celebrate the completion of this critical event. We went to a fantastic steak restaurant where I think I purchased an entire cow (no marrow, though- I'd seen enough of this earlier in the day!).

We were further blessed with an abundantly sunshiny day at the inner harbor with Brian. Brian continues to heal very nicely. His follow up appt today went very well. He wasn't leaking anywhere (which is more than I can say for any of our cars...). He has very little severe pain (so he says). Just a little fatigue. To see Brian honor God by honoring his father was a special event, one that I am glad I could share with him and Suzi.

However, this is just the beginning of Team Brian Hopper! As I have stated previously, Team Brian Hopper is dedicating its running year 2013 to the love, honor and effort that Brian showed all of us this week. I will be finishing up the tech shirts for the race (first one together is April 13th, RVa  Monument 10K). Thank you everyone for joining me in showing Brian just how awesome we think he is, and how much his example has taught all of us.

Note: I need everyone to pay me for the shirts before I order them. I will let you know how much each shirt is when I finalize these plans. Let me know who wants one, and again confirm size.

Way to go Team Brian Hopper!!

Friday, February 8, 2013


Dearest Uncle,

I have decided that when I become a famous pop star, I will write a song about you :D just wait a few years, ok????
I have to, because you are my famous pop star idol. I can't believe your heart. If dad had asked me to do this for him, I would have been like "oh, heeeeell no!"
Just kidding, that's probably a lie. But I'm 21, I wouldn't be able to stop drinking alcohol that long ;)

Stay positive. I know you are. It will all come back soon. Dad always tells me, "Maybe not in your time frame!" Its so annoying, but its true. But when its all said and done, it feels like a few days :D
I can't wait to see you guys again. I love you so much.
I read somewhere that fish swim bladders have a huge orac score. Also lamprey.You can feed up on that ;)
There's also this berry called chokeberry. That sounds perfect! I'll send you a pound of chokeberries to eat. I'm sure that will be really helpful.

Enjoy sedation. It rocks! Really! -_- o_0

Love you tons


P.S. i'm just kidding about lamprey and swim bladders. please don't eat that.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

a note from Mark

Hey Brian,
You've inspired me with your sacrificial decision to serve your Dad like you are. I'm really excited to be on Team Hopper along with Mollie for the Richmond 10K!

Thanks for being such a good friend. We will be praying for your quick recovery!

Your friend,


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ria Monteleone

Though I have known Brian for years, I don't think I have fully comprehended until the last 5-6 what a truly compassionate and service-oriented person he is.  There were clues of course, but I was always glad to be with him for other things, his sharp as a tack sense of humor, his thoughtful and inciteful discussions on everything from current events to music to God and all things in between, the way he nurtures my dear sister, and his abilities as a father.  All the while, he quietly served all of us, as well as everyone else on the planet, and I don't think I  really noticed.  At first.

 In recent years, as we have entered middle age, watched our daughters become adults, and begun to care for our own parents, I have watched this side of him come to the forefront and grow and grow and grow!  He does it effortlessly, selflessly, and truly, truly wants to do it.  I am inspired to be more like him, to make serving others my primary goal on a daily basis, and to do it with a smile, a calm demeanor, a sense that it the most important thing I have to do that day, and often, with something good to eat!  I am so thankful to him for the way he cares for all of us, for the endless patience he has with my aging parents, and for always being welcome in his home.  Most important though, I am proud and thankful to call him part of my family.  Godspeed this week, Brian.  We will be by your side the whole way, in thought, in prayer and in person.

from Eric Fulcher

Even though I'm in awe of Brian's selfless act of service, I'm almost certain he would not view it this way, because for Brian, it's a matter of following his God into the world through love and service to others.  My guess is Brian wouldn't see any other option, wouldn't see "no" as a possible response to serving someone in need.  Which, of course, is why I look to Brian with such respect and admiration, and as one from whom I could learn a thing or two about this thing called discipleship.

Brian, know that we're all praying for your quick recovery, mentally, physically, emotionally...running-ly.  And really, for a tank like yourself who practically raced a triathlon in the gym in the other day, I'm sure it won't be long before you're back to kicking all our butts :)


perfectly awesome hot mess

Well all this conversation about Team Hopper for the 10k means I have to start training I suppose...geesh. As if I don't work out enough now I have to start RUNNING, like on a regular basis...seems like a perfectly awesome hot mess to me. Which is I'm guessing how you feel with marrow donating, physically, that is. Otherwise you are the exact opposite of a hot mess and I must learn your ways, oh perfect master. You are the leader of our divine master pastors and the leader of all of us in general and I, for one, could not be more thankful for that. Saying you're an amazing example of love and service towards others is an understatement. You are extra incredible for doing this for your father, most would not even consider making such a sacrifice, physically, psychologically, emotionally, sacrificing time and life way. I probably wouldn't. Now that means I must learn more from you and work towards demonstrating that kind of love. I'm glad I have the best example right down the street! I always love what you have to say, lessons that you teach and the real place in which you live out this life with's nothing short of inspiring and takes a great deal of strength. You deserve an award or a plaque or something, seriously. I'll get on that ;) But in all honesty and sincerity I appreciate you Brian Hopper and although you are not donating your marrow to me personally I feel your devotion to others and the high standard you set for us to follow with loving and giving of ourselves to others through this incredible act. Amazing man you are, don't forget that. Thank you for you! And all you do! Good luck and that pool is waiting for you to kick its ass once you're slacking off! ;)

"The Car"

By Amy Adamo

My first real memories of Brian Hopper relate to "The Car", as Sara also pointed out.  At the time Brian entered our family's lives, Sara and I were at the impressionable ages of the early teen years. He drove into our lives with what, from my point of view, was a cool car and a cool demeanor.  He was immediately kind and loving to Suzi's probably very silly and enamored younger sisters, never treating either of us with so much as an annoyed glance at our behavior.  I loved him like an older brother from that point on.

So, back to the car:  a funny story.  I loved "The Car" as it was my first experience with a cool car.  And I know Brian loved it too.  All the wonderful things shared so far about Brian's love and genuine care for those around him reign true - even through "The Car's" demise, suffered at my hands.  You see, I was fortunate enough to be living with Suzi and Brian that summer.  I was almost 17 and they let me come and stay with them, work for them, taught me things about working in the kitchen, things about love, and life, and mostly about myself.  The other wonderful thing they taught me was how to drive a standard, which "The Car" was.  Suzi drove me all over Shrewsbury, challenging me on steep hills, encouraging and teaching all the ins and outs of a standard.  The one thing wrong with "The Car", I was told, was the emergency brake did not work, so it had to be parked in gear.  Well, on my first big run of driving "The Car" to work by myself, I started it in the garage, forgetting it was in gear.  It crashed into the side of Jeannie and Ed's garage, massively denting the driver's door and scratching the heck out of it, also damaging the garage.  I was idea what to do. It was "The Car!!" Anyway, the long and the short of this story is that Brian, whatever he was feeling, never let me see anything but love and concern for how I felt and whether I was ok.  It was beyond anything I had ever expected in forgiveness, and Brian has never acted in any other way that I have seen since then, to anyone.

We have talked much over the years about running, lifting, injuries and exercise and training in general.  As all are attesting, he is an inspiration in this world, even if being the only one getting out for a run on our long PA visits.  "Practicing" for this race (what I am doing at the moment can hardly be considered training) is motivated by the gift you are giving, Brian, and the gift that you are.  What better thing to focus on while running but your suffering through this sacrifice you're making for your dad. 

Brian, thank you for your committment to God's mission, to your wife, to your girls, to your own family and to us Duryea's, and to yourself. We are blessed by your talents and your examples of love and forgiveness. 

I am inspired!  GO TEAM BRIAN HOPPER!
Olivia Monteleone here
A little story from Olivia
I remember the time when we were at your house and watching basketball with dad. The girls were out on a Girls Night Out (Mom's Birthday dinner with Aunt Suzi) and we ordered takeout from Buffalo Wild Wings. While dad was making you and him some Bloody Mary's we played some really fun games together, it really made my day to be playing with an uncle that I don't see very often. I love you very much Uncle Brian.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Guy Monteleone
A little while ago Brian had a "dry run" (so to speak) bone marrow pull in preparation for this Friday's procedure. We asked Suzi how it went. Did it hurt alot? She told us that while he walked around like Quasimoto for two days, he cranked up the swimming. He also threw in 5 miles of running, 7 miles of biking! What an animal.

We're pulling for you. We're praying for you. What you are doing is a wonderful thing. I know your Dad appreciates it; but we who know you appreciate it as well. God Bless Brother!
Guy Monteleone here
I have noticed more people expressing their feelings of support for Brian. I am thrilled that so many people are considering ramping up their running routine. I am finalizing specifics for T shirts (Brian I was hoping to wear one for the hospital this weekend, but the timing won't work). Champion T shirts grey with blue logo (seen on this website) are ~$22 from I need to order at least 6, so I'll need a headcount soon. I am really trying to get Tec shirts so we can wear these for the RVa Monument 10K where we'll formally publicly kick off TeamBrianHopper. More to come in the near future.

Another Anecdote
I wanted to share another story about how Brian has affected my life in a great way. One of the things that Brian is so good at, is "educating by example." The Monteleone's are certainly educators as well, but often on the pontificating side... No disrespect intended to my family at all. But there is something special about someone who reminds you of what's really important. I have never mentioned this to anyone but my wife. I feel that my girls are awesome and super special. I'm proud of them for their accomplishments, their individualism, their perseverance, even when life throws us a few hills to run up! I'm sure most of us would say this about our own kids. Through his own behavior to his own girls he will always call to his girls in a gentle, respectful way. I cherish Brian's talking to his girls quietly and lovingly, even when he has to instruct/chide/discipline. Asking them to do things always included a "Please" or "Thank you." I'm not even sure if anybody gets what I'm saying here. I'm just grateful that Brian reminded me (through his actions) that when we want to talk to our kids, being polite should be standard. After all- we love these kids! Thank you Brian for your gentle reminders.
As the Duryea's all know- Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary use words (St. Francis of Assisi). Great job Brian!

from Steve Schmidt


I appreciate the gesture, but aren't you overdoing it a bit?  A simple happy birthday would have sufficed but you go and volunteer to donate your bone marrow on my birthday!  What a guy!

Seriously, we are so thankful for you and your willingness to go to the extreme to serve others.  You are a true example to follow and I am honored to be a part of your life.  We are praying for you on Friday and for your dad.  Thank you for setting the bar so high.
posted by Mollie McGeever

Heard about this blog and wanted to jump on the bandwagon in support of our Brian Hopper! We will be remembering you on Friday, and praying for your speedy recovery and that you'll be back running the roads in no time. Thank you for modeling what it means to sacrificially give of yourself for others... whatever has been needed to help your family and others, you have done it. May God bless you in ways you've never experienced before!

Mark and I were already 'considering' running the Richmond Monument 10K... the thought of having the honor of running on Team Hopper, is about putting us over the edge to actually signing up and doing it! I have gotten a bit out of shape with my running, since the Baltimore marathon relay in October... but running for you will be good incentive to get back out there!

Thank you for your life that inspires others in so many ways... whether it means helping others to get up off the coach, serving and caring for a parent, loving your wife and children well, or putting your faith into action that makes a difference in people's lives... thank you!

GO TEAM HOPPER!! (we'll let you know if we 'sign on the dotted line' for the Monument 10K)!!


Monday, February 4, 2013

Thank God Ray Lewis is Retiring

Hey all... this is Joe(in Maine... husband of Amy, and daddy of Grace)... so sorry it has taken me this long to clue into this blog... it is an awesome, awesome endeavor....

First... thank you Guy for getting this going.....

I am totally in for the Richmond 10k... been talking with Amy about it.. I hope she can run, as she is recovering from her ankle sprain... I have also talking with Grace about running... I usually try to park as far away as I can reasonably, and when we are not late, when I drop her off at the YMCA in the morning... so I always say to her lets "jog" to the door, and of course she always asks why.. so I tell her I am training for Uncle Brian's race(to this point, this is ALL of my training)... so Grace says, "I want to run in Uncle Brian's race... will there be snacks?.."  She gets to the door and proclaims that she won and also that her heart is still beating..... good news on both ends...

so maybe she'll also do the race in a jog stroller or something...

Brian... congrats to your Ravens, they "hung on"... literally.. as there should have been a holding call against them on the last play in the corner of the end zone) :0

your strength, commitment, and unwavering support of your father is a testament to your faith...

Brian... this bone marrow will be nothing for you... remember, you camped in a tent for like 2 nights in a row a few summers ago...

we are sending you love, strength, and prayers... God bless

I am totally looking foward to finally running a race together!!!!

"You wanna' what?"

Posted by Sara Seaward

This past weekend, Bill informed me that we're headed to Richmond to run the "Brian Hopper 10K" with the fam.  While I was ecstatic to hear this, the voice in my head said, "Bill?  Wants to run?  Outdoors?" The man hates to run, but will do it diligently on his treadmill when inspired to, yet would never consider actually hitting the pavement.  His intense workout is on the ice on Thursday nights or on the basketball court.  To each his own.  Naturally, I inquired what inspired this change of heart.  He said, "Brian!  We're running for Brian!"  'Nuf said.

Me?  While I haven't run in a while, I've never stopped considering myself a runner.  I promise myself daily I will get back to that place where I was ready for my first half before injury sidelined me.  Each day starts with an intention, and each night ends with "tomorrow's the day."  No more.

Brian Hopper - you've always inspired us.  From the day you drove into the driveway with my dear big sister in that hot Toyota Supra you inspired me.  (Okay, maybe that was just a 14-year old girl's crush.  haha)  You have a way of making people listen to you.  Your words are thought-provoking and inspirational.  You can calm the storm of a busy Duryea kitchen like nobody's business.  You have raised two wonderful, God-loving daughters.  And now your selflessness in caring for your dads has inspired us.  Not only to take up the torch and follow you, so to speak, but in all you do.

I had thought maybe I'd give up chocolate this Lenten season, but instead I think I'll give up excuses.  We are officially on the road (no pun intended) to training for Team Brian Hopper.

We love you Hops.

Instructions to post:
Go to; go to sign in.
Password is brianhopper

This should help everyone get in. To create a blog, click on the pencil (new blog post). Please start every post with your name. (ie: Guy Monteleone, Suzi Hopper, etc).
Then give an anecdote about some time when Brian helped you out, or when he inspired you. Why? etc.

By all means everyone who wants to walk/run with Team Brian Hopper, keep training with this in mind.

Happy Running 2013!